

DICIEMBRE 2007 N° 10 Volumen 5

The bases of current nursing



María del Rocío Catalina García


Alumna de la EUE Universidad de Valladolid.

Contact address

C/ Amor de Dios, 35-7ºB. 47010 Valladolid.

Contact email: rocicg85@hotmail.com


The first-year subject “Fundamentals of Nursing” allows students to learn about the true essence of nursing: the act of caring.
The work herein presented aims to compile (from the knowledge acquire in this subject coupled with the perspective of the student) the main aspects on which nursing practice is based nowadays and the road, not always easy, walked so far to compile this information.
Taking as the starting point the distinguished Florence Nightingale, considered to be the pioneer of modern nursing, will present a review of the background and progression of the career, placing special emphasis on the figure of the ATS (in English a registered nurse) and the introduction of the career into the University. Having set the precedents, we will focus on the theoretical framework that guides the nursing practice in our days, which includes the application of the Nursing Care Process (NCP) and the selection of a care model. Both complement each other and reach their reason for being when used concomitantly. To conclude, we will briefly discuss the Virginia Henderson and Dorotea E. Orem’s models, as these are the most representative in our setting.


nursing; profession; History of Nursing; theories; modelsdiscipline

Versión en Español


Las bases de la enfermería actual