

FEBRERO 2008 N° 2 Volumen 6

How social support is perceived by older people



1Ángela NM Aimar, 2Cecilia DeDominici, 1Patricia Mónica B Pérez, 1Martha I Torre, 1Nora E Videla


1Licenciada en Enfermería por la Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Universidad de Córdoba, Argentina.2Licenciada en Psicopedagogía. Universidad Nacional de Villa María, Córdoba (Argentina).

Contact email: angelaaimar@hotmail.com


One of the phenomena with the largest impact worldwide is the aging of the population, which influences the life of older adults towards challenges that allow the individual to develop their potential, redefine their roles and to keep themselves active and self-sufficient.
The process of ageing generates a variety of changes in the individual, one of the most impacting being how the individual perceives others in terms of the support or help received.
In the presence of socio-economic, cultural and health-related conditioning factors that do not favour the process of change inherent to aging, the family, friends and social networks become informal support sources that stimulate the preservation of the quality of life of the aging individual.
This cross-sectional descriptive study identified the perception of national retired older individuals in the city of Villa María, Pcia. of Córdoba, Argentina, with regard to the social support received from their families, friends and special people around them.
The paper also provides elements for the design of nursing care interventions in the older age group of the population and examines the need to review the vision with which situations involving older individuals are approached in order to construct a future that fosters respect for human beings.


aging individual; perception; social supportnursing care

Versión en Español


Percepción del apoyo social de los adultos mayores