

JULIO 2009 N° 7 Volumen 7

Nursing and cyberculture: European credits and new knowledge



Francisca Gusiñé García


Enfermera y Licenciada en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universidad de Barcelona. Profesora Titular de la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de la Universidad de Barcelona.

Contact email: fgusine@ub.edu


The subject of Information Technologies and Communication (IT&C, Bologna) has been introduced in the curriculum of nursing students to make them aware of their new competencies in that regard. In other words, some part of the nursing curricular content will be aimed at providing information on society as a whole and at all academic levels, especially university teaching. 
At present, nursing professionals are faced with new requirements with regard to their level of knowledge and skills necessary to enable them to respond to new demands, both of a theoretical and a practical nature, and which us, as professionals, are compelled to know in order to meet current information needs. In Spain, and more precisely at the Barcelona university school of nursing, the teaching of competences in IT&C is now mandatory and has been included in nursing practicum classes, following the modification of study curricula based on the Bologna model , adopting in doing so the worldwide tendency known as “information alphabetisation”, of the whole society, at all levels of knowledge and specifically in university teaching.


Information technology and Communication; alphabetisation in information technology; health librarycyberculture

Versión en Español


Enfermería y cibercultura: créditos europeos y nuevos conocimientos