

MARZO 2004 N° 3 Volumen 2

Two different sunrise models: the art of caring



Marta Ibáñez Tortajada, Estela Campos Adrián


Alumnas de primer curso de la Escuela de Enfermería “La Fe” de Valencia.

Contact address

C/ Hermanos Antich, 3, pta 8. 46460 Silla, Valencia.

Contact email: ecadrian@msn.com


The theoretical approaches of Madeleine Leininger focus on the Diversity and Universality Theory from a holistic approach (social framework, setting, language, etc,). In which the important thing is to provide nursing care according to the patient´s cultural background. Understanding the diversity as well as the universality of nursing care is of outmost importance to establish a substantial base of knowledge, based on the cultural background and founded on the person’s world characteristics, making nursing care into a transcultural profession and discipline.
On the other hand, Colliere focuses on the importance of self-care, as a fundamental strategy in the promotion of live and well being in human beings, in accordance with the cultural characteristics of gender, ethnic group, etc. with regard to care provided in relation to the functions of preservation, continuity of life, and the care associated with the need to cure all those conditions that represent an obstacle to life (cure). In other words, Colliere is not based on a specific theory but rather on a general one, using essential elements of the nursing paradigm: nursing, health, individual and setting and surroundings.


cultural care; transcultural care; self-care; nursing care; nursing theories; multicultural; nursing paradigm“sunrise” model

Versión en Español


Dos amaneceres diferentes: el arte de cuidar