

MARZO 2010 N° 3 Volumen 8

Nursing care in panic attacks



1Alfredo Jesús Poley Guerra, 2María del Castillo García Velázquez, 3Ricardo José Pérez Galán


1Enfermero Dispositivo de Cuidados Críticos del Distrito Sur, Sevilla. 2Enfermera Dispositivo de Cuidados Críticos y Urgencias del Distrito Sur, Sevilla.3Enfermero Centro de Salud de Atención Primaria “Otero”, Ceuta.

Contact email: alfredopoley@hotmail.com


Thanks to anxiety, humans are able to be alert to respond to possibly dangerous risky situations that may arise, however, high levels of anxiety can be harmful. The panic attack is one of the disorders caused by excessive anxiety in which there is a catastrophic interpretation of some perceived sensation, creating an episode of intense fear or discomfort, during which a series of varied symptoms appear suddenly (palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath, nausea, etc.) causing great discomfort in the patient, usually reaching a peak within ten minutes. The nursing staff nurse play an important role in the treatment of this disorder, not only administering prescribed medication, but also implementing several measures for the patient and explaining to them the process they are suffering, the importance of their breathing to reverse or prevent hyperventilation, taking special care on areas such as nonverbal language and creating a suitable environment in which to provide all this care. I therefore consider it essential that the nurses are able to provide quality care in such a process, given that it can be present at any level of development of our profession, from primary to specialized care, and in emergency nursing.


anxiety; hyperventilation; panicpsychoactive drug

Versión en Español


Cuidados enfermeros en las crisis de pánico