

ABRIL 2010 N° 4 Volumen 8

University tutoring action plan as a Nursing teaching innovation



1Matilde Celma Vicente, 1Manuel López Morales, 1Ana Guillamet Lloveras, 2Pilar González Carrión, 1Mª Dolores Cano-Caballero Gálvez, 1Mª Ascensión Rodríguez López


1Profesores/as de la EUE Virgen de las Nieves de Granada.2Directora de Enfermería del Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves.

Contact email: matilde.celma.sspa@juntadeandalucia.es


We describe the experience of a teaching innovation project in the Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería Virgen de las Nieves, which belongs to the University of Granada, which has been the development of a Tutorial Action Plan (TAP) and its subsequent implementation.
The TAP was implemented for the School’s new students, during the 2007-2009 academic years. This project is part of the school’s contract with the University of Granada, to undertake actions to improve the qualifications and emanates from the improvement objectives proposed by the University’s Committees for Internal and External Evaluation
Objectives of the TAP: 1. To get then to know the university in order to achieve a greater integration and participation in the university context. 2. To help them in their curriculum profile design. 3. To identify needs and gaps in the personal, academic and professional scope. 4. To assist in the development of their interpersonal skills. 5. To assess the need for tutoring support as an instrument of knowledge, communication and reflection within the process of university education. 6. To guide them on possible career profiles and employment.
The analysis of quantitative and qualitative assessments of pupils and teachers, and the aspects to improve are set out.


academic tutoringteaching innovation

Versión en Español


Plan de acción tutorial universitaria como innovación docente en Enfermería