

MARZO 2011 N° 3 Volumen 9

Use and prescription of drugs and health products by nurses


How to quote

Tejada Domínguez FJ, Ruiz Domínguez MR. Actuaciones de los enfermeros en el uso e indicación de medicamentos y productos sanitarios. Educare21.net 2011; 74.[En línea] [fecha de acceso: 1 de marzo de 2011]. URL disponible en: http://www.educare21.net


1Francisco Javier Tejada Domínguez, 2María Rosario Ruiz Domínguez


1Enfermero de la Zona Básica de Salud Villamartín, Distrito Sanitario Sierra de Cádiz.2Enfermera de Hospital.

Contact email: fjtejadad@hotmail.com


Decree 307/2009 of 21 july, which defines the performance of nurses and nurses in the field of pharmaceutical services in the Andalusian Public Health System, allows more than 20,000 professionals to use and prescribe certain health products and drugs not subjected to medical prescription to be charged to the pharmaceutical services.
The aim of the work that follows is to present the current legal framework that legitimizes the professional nursing in Andalusia in this new competence, the different types of prescription, drugs and health products authorized and documentation and conditions through which the prescription should be done to increase knowledge and unify criteria to make the decree operative.
To this end, we have studied deeply the entire structure and contents of the Decree, the pharmaceutical existing legal framework and other laws directly linked to nursing prescription, without losing sight of other issues of interest through manuals and websites that have provided relevant content on pharmacovigilance and "good" prescriptions.
We conclude that the prescription of pharmaceutical products by nurses is a step forward in the development of the profession by giving them greater autonomy in decision-making and problem-solving capacity within the healthcare team, while encouraging and facilitating work in the team and ensuring better health care and customer satisfaction.


Decree 307/2009; effects and accessories; health products; nursing prescription and use of; pharmaceutical productsrational drug use

Versión en Español


Actuaciones de los enfermeros en el uso e indicación de medicamentos y productos sanitarios