

MAYO 2011 N° 5 Volumen 9

Vaccines in the film world


How to quote

García González J, Raygal Fernández PJ, Pérez Vigueras MP, Lunaiz Gil MP, Lázaro Meca RS, Martín Retuerto B, Cánovas Gaspar JP.Las vacunas en el mundo del cine. Educare21 2011; 76. [En línea] [fecha de acceso: 1 de mayo de 2011]. URL disponible en: http://www.educare21.net


1Jaume García González, 2Pedro Jesús Raygal Fernández, 1María Purificación Pérez Vigueras, 3María Paz Lunaiz Gil, 1Rosa Susana Lázaro Meca, 1Beatriz Martín Retuerto, 1Juan Pablo Cánovas Gaspar


1Enfermeras/os del Servicio de Urgencias del Hospital General Universitario Reina Sofía de Murcia.2Enfermero del Servicio de Urgencias de Atención Primaria, Alhama de Murcia.3Enfermera de Hospitalización del Hospital Virgen de las Montañas, Villamartín (Cádiz).

Contact email: Jaume.garcia@carm.es


Introduction: the cinema has always acted as a shaping model of attitudes and lifestyles. Movies have also changed our attitude towards specific products and our traditional patterns of consumption.
It is inevitable that films about vaccines, such as on any other subject, will influence the perception people have of them.
This study aims to understand the role and image of the vaccines given in the film world through some movies.
Methods: observational descriptive study. We performed a comprehensive analysis of the films made with a script specifically written for this purpose.
Results: vaccines presented in the analyzed films fit the definition of vaccine in 50% of cases and they weren’t administered according to rules in 30% of the films.
Conclusion: in general films gave a positive image of the vaccines; they were categorized as "saviors of humankind". In the same way, vaccine researchers were seen as heroes.


film as a subject; imagevaccination

Versión en Español


Las vacunas en el mundo del cine