

JUNIO 2012 N° 6 Volumen 10

Kangaroo method, early application in the delivery room


How to quote

Martín Castillo M, Alonso Benedí AM. Método canguro, aplicación temprana en la sala de partos. Educare21 2012; 10(6). [En línea] [fecha de acceso: 1 de junio de 2012]. URL disponible en: http://www.enfermeria21.com/publicaciones/educare/


1Myriam Martín Castillo, 2Ana María Alonso Benedí


1Matrona del Hospital Ernest LLuch de Calatayud. Profesora titular del Grado de Enfermería de la Universidad San Jorge de Zaragoza.2Centro de Salud San Pablo Zaragoza, España.

Contact email: myrmatrona@hotmail.com


In recent years, maternity wards around the world try to include in their procedures at the time of delivery, the immediate skin to skin contact (or kangaroo method). This involves placing the naked baby on the mother's naked torso in prone position and ideally in the first minute of life. It has been shown that in this way, and taking advantage of the sensitive period in which the infant is in their first two hours of life, a series of reflections and specific innate behaviors of the human species emerge, which have been reported to have beneficial effects on breast maternal behavior and mother-child bonding, as well as stability in physiological parameters such as thermoregulation and blood glucose levels.
This review seeks to highlight to the professional responsible for maternal and child care the scientific basis, operational proposal and the effects on the infant of skin to skin contact immediately.


bonding; breast feeding; Kangaroo mother method; skin contactthermoregulation

Versión en Español


Método canguro, aplicación temprana en la sala de partos