

MARZO 2013 N° 3 Volumen 11

Nurses role in obstetrical epidural analgesia implementation and management


How to quote

Martín Castillo M, Valverde Melero B, Alonso Benedí AM. Papel de los enfermeros en la instauración y manejo de la analgesia epidural obstétrica. Rev. Educare21 2013; 11(3). [En línea] [fecha de acceso: 1 de marzo de 2013]. URL disponible en: http://www.enfermeria21.com/publicaciones/educare/


1Myriam Martín Castillo, 2Beatriz Valverde Melero, 3Ana María Alonso Benedí


1Matrona del Hospital Ernest Lluch de Calatayud (Zaragoza). Profesora titular del Grado de Enfermería de la Universidad San Jorge de Zaragoza.2Matrona Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón de Madrid.3Enfermera Centro de Salud San Pablo de Zaragoza.

Contact email: myrmatrona@hotmail.com


Pain is an inherent feature in labor and delivery and is one of the main aspects overshadowing the unequalled experience of giving birth to a newborn baby. There is a current consensus on using epidural analgesia as an ideal method for pain management during labor because pain relief is achieved while motor capacity is well preserved, allowing the mother to actively participate in such a rewarding experience. Additionally, epidural analgesia has shown the best risk/benefit ratio, with minimal effects on the fetus and on labor and delivery course. Emergence of new information on epidural analgesia and its complications, along with a current trend to achieve a consistent higher professional level in nurses providing such care, have resulted in an increasing education and updating commitment in this field. Nursing staff involved in labor and delivery or postpartum care must have a clear-cut knowledge of epidural technique’s special features and potential complications, so that they can take decisions and perform procedures based on a solid scientific foundation. The present paper is intended to provide professional nursing staff (both specialists [midwives] and nurses in Anesthesia Units, Postpartum Units, and others) with an updated knowledge as a guide for pregnant women care using epidural analgesia, both for anesthetic block implementation and for subsequent monitoring.


epidural analgesia; labor and delivery anesthesia; midwifenursing care

Versión en Español


Papel de los enfermeros en la instauración y manejo de la analgesia epidural obstétrica