Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

DICIEMBRE 2013 N° 3 Volumen 1

Nitrous oxide, an effective alternative for pain management in labor

Section: Originales


Estefanía Bueno Montero


Matrona en el Hospital de Jerez (Cádiz)

Contact email: buenoestefania@hotmail.es


Pain relief is a significant issue in pregnant women during labor. Pain level and pain relief achievement has a well-known impact on women satisfaction regarding labor, as well as on labor itself. Furthermore, a number of emotional and psychological effects may develop, both immediate and long-term, with a potential impact on breastfeeding and mother-newborn interaction.
Pain relief can be offered through invasive and non-invasive methods. As many women prefer invasive drug therapy avoidance, details on other methods should be given to them. Nitrous oxide is among the most effective drug methods as an alternative to epidural anesthesia, and has fewer negative effects both in women and newborns.


Labor; pain; epidural anesthesianitrous oxide

Versión en Español


Óxido nitroso, una alternativa eficaz para el manejo del dolor de parto

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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