Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

SEPTIEMBRE 2020 N° 2 Volumen 8

Adaptation of general measures to preserve breastfeeding: Intervention by the midwife in a post-partum woman with mastitis

Section: Caso Clínico

How to quote

Díaz-Jiménez D, Jiménez-García A, Martínez-Municio A. Adecuación de medidas generales para conservar la lactancia: intervención de la matrona en la mujer puérpera con mastitis. Matronas Hoy 2020; 8(2):46-52.


1Désirée Díaz-Jiménez, 1Ángela Jiménez García, 1Alicia Martínez Municio


1 Enfermeras Especialistas en Obstetricia y Ginecología (Matronas). Unidad de Urgencias Gineco-Obstétricas. Hospital de la Mujer. Sevilla.

Contact email: aliciamartinezmunicio@hotmail.es


A case report is used to demonstrate the main actions by the midwife when faced with an issue of lack of efficacy in breastfeeding associated with mastitis in a breastfeeding woman who has recently given birth. The data collected through physical examination are presented, as well as evaluation according to the Virginia Henderson’s model; and a complete plan of care is developed.
A.L. is a primiparous woman who attended the Hospital Emergency Unit presenting symptoms of puerperal mastitis. After being seen by the triage midwife, she was assessed by the Obstetrician, who ordered lab tests, prescribed antibiotic therapy and anti-inflammatory treatment, and gave her basic recommendations about breast emptying at discharge. At the midwife consultation for blood extraction, general measures to maintain breastfeeding were explained in detail to the patient, and she was told to attend a support group led my midwives in the same hospital on the following day, in order to get information about how to folloe the concomitant preventive measures and thus avoid relapses.
The plan of care prepared has been useful in this case to prevent an early discontinuation of breastfeeding, improving the quality of life of the mother and her baby. It was observed at the final assessment that the objectives established at the plan of care had been achieved. Thus, the midwife is considered the key member of staff to provide the adequate instructions for prevention, management and follow-up of puerperal mastitis.


mastitis; breastfeeding; puerperal woman; midwives

Versión en Español


Adecuación de medidas generales para conservar la lactancia: intervención de la matrona en mujer puérpera con mastitis

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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