Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

ABRIL 2021 N° 1 Volumen 9

Actions performed by female and male midwives in neonatal units in two hospitals in Chile

Section: Originales

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Baeza Espinosa S, Boza T, Gálvez Ortega P. Conductas ejecutadas por matronas y matrones en unidades de neonatología en dos hospitales de Chile. Matronas Hoy 2021; 9(1):6-15.


1 Sofía Baeza Espinoza, 1 Tatiana Boza, 2 Pablo Gálvez Ortega


1 Matrona. Universidad de Chile. 2 Matrón. Profesor Asistente Departamento de Promoción de la Salud de la Mujer y el Recién Nacido. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Chile.

Contact email: pagalvezo@uchile.cl


Introduction: tFemale and male midwives in Chile have been working in neonatology services since the 1960's; however, scientific evidence on their role in these units is limited.
Objective: to determine the actions performed by professional female and male midwifes in the neonatal intermediate and intensive care units in two hospitals in Santiago de Chile.
Material and methods: a survey-based descriptive study was carried out among 58 female and male midwives in the neonatal units of two hospitals in Santiago de Chile, by means of a self-administered questionnaire.
Results: 32 professionals participated in the study. Out of 121 actions, 76 (62.8%) are performed exclusively by female and male midwives in the intensive care unit (ICU) and in the neonatal intermediate care unit. A total of 85 actions (70.24%) are performed only in the ICU and 78 actions (64.5%) are performed only in the intermediate care unit, with the remaining ones being performed by other professionals in the units. Nine behaviors consisting of actions related to the same purpose, were defined. Such behaviors were selected based on a percentage of execution greater than or equal to 70%.
Conclusion: female and male midwives perform a significant percentage of actions in these units, although a limited evidence is available on their professional performance. Therefore, our study aims to present on a worldwide level an innovative model, which should be studied in depth in order to open up neonatology as a field of work for midwives (matrons and any other professional designations that may exist) in other countries.


midwife; neonatology; behaviorsactions

Versión en Español


Conductas ejecutadas por matronas y matrones en unidades de neonatología en dos hospitales de Chile

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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