Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

ABRIL 2023 N° 1 Volumen 11

Social drivers in health with impact on conducting the first PAP (Papanicolaou) test in women from the Valparaíso region, Chile

Section: Originales


1 Felipe Calderón Canales, 2 William Aranda Cisternas, 2 Nicolás Barra Marín, 2 Priscila Carreño Valencia, 2 Valeria Esteban Moreno, 2 Camila Hernández González, 2 Francisca Messina Vargas, 2 Javiera Pizarro Fernández, 2 Antonia Toro Belmar


1 Magíster en Salud Pública. Académico carrera de Obstetricia. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Andrés Bello. Viña del Mar (Chile).2 Licenciado/a en Obstetricia (Matrón/a). Facultad de Medicina Universidad Andrés Bello. Viña del Mar, (Chile).

Contact email: felipe.calderon.canales@gmail.com


Introduction: the Papanicolaou (PAP) test is the screening tool for preventing cervical cancer, which is conducted in gynaecological visits at Primary Care.
Objectives: to determine a relationship between the exam and the different social drivers of users.
Method: a study was conducted through an anonymous survey, with student aims, through social networks of the researchers. A sample size of 104 women managed at the Valparaíso region (Chile) was obtained. The study design was observational and descriptive. The method of choice was to meet the inclusion criteria mentioned in the survey.
Results: the main age ranges were 22 and 23 years for the first PAP test conducted. Around 50% of the survey participants belonged to FONASA (National Health Fund) B, where 60.6% of the sample were between 18 and 21 years old. It could be observed in a cross-sectional way that people with different education levels underwent their PAP test generally between 18 and 21 years of age.
Conclusion: this research is relevant for the audience to become aware of the importance of the test for a reduction in the incidence of cervical cancer and its prevention. It must be highlighted that promoting this test is essential, because many persons in the population are not updated regarding when to start, the purpose of the test and its periodicity. Midwives play an essential role in this regard, as health educators and promotors, conducting primary and secondary prevention in the sexual and reproductive health area for women, which is the setting of their competence.

Versión en Español


Determinantes sociales en salud que influyen en la realización de la primera toma de PAP (P. Papanicolau) en mujeres, región de Valparaíso, Chile

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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