Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

DICIEMBRE 2023 N° 3 Volumen 11

A milestone in obstetrics: fetal sounding

Section: Revisions

How to quote

Plata Quintanilla RM, Fernández García E. Un hito en obstetricia: la auscultación fetal. Matronas Hoy 2023; 11(3):60-9.


1 Rosa Mª Plata Quintanilla, 2 Elena Fernández García


1 Matrona. Hospital Universitario “Marqués de Valdecilla”. Cantabria (España)2 Matrona. C.S. Vicente Soldevilla. Madrid (España)

Contact email: rplataq@gmail.com


Introduction: the vital situation of an intrauterine fetus was practically unknown until the arrival of fetal sounding. In fact, until the XIX century, pregnancy was presumed and not objectively verified, and the same applied to fetal status at all gestational stages and childbirth.
Objective: to describe and contextualize the background facts of sounding up to obstetric sounding, which provided information and understanding about pregnancy and fetal status. Obstetric stethoscopes, the basis of fetal auscultation, are still in use.
Material and method: this work was based on historic textbooks, publications in magazines and books on gynecological and obstetric history, basically drawn from the French National Library (BNF Gallica), Inter-University Medicine Library of Paris (BIUM) and the Google Books database.
Discussion and conclusions: through the scientific knowledge existing in the XVI to XVIII centuries, in anatomy, physiology and embryology, nasciturus beings gathered more attention and the fetus was treated as an independent being worthy of protection, whose life prevailed over maternal wellbeing. Discovery of fetal sounding, which contributed to this progress, has been a relevant diagnosis resource to ensure better obstetric care; albeit useful, it has given way to other diagnostic improvements used to supervise fetal status.


Laënnec; Kergaradec; fetal sounding; obstetric sounding; accouchers; midwives; heartbeat; fetal vitality; fetal distress; stethoscopes

Versión en Español


Un hito en obstetricia: la auscultación fetal

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