Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

AGOSTO 2016 N° 2 Volumen 4

Listeriosis and pregnancy: a review of up-to-date scientific evidence

Section: Revisions


1 Paloma Martínez Galán, 1 Elvira Martín Gallardo, 2 Dolores Velamazán Martínez


1 Matrona Hospital Virgen de la Salud, Toledo.2 Matrona Hospital General de Lanzarote, Las Palmas.

Contact email: paloma.martinez.galan@gmail.com


Listeriosis and pregnancy: a review of up-to-date scientific evidence
Listeriosis is a food-related toxic infection caused by a bacillus, Listeria monocytogenes. In conditions involving an immunological compromise, such as pregnancy, an increased susceptibility to infections is found. Listeriosis incidence has significantly increased in recent years, and is now an underdiagnosed infection, because the disease is symptomless in up to 29% of cases. While it usually results in a mild self-limited clinical picture in immunocompetent pregnant women, it can have an impact on the fetus.
Infection is mainly acquired through contaminated food. Fetal or neonatal mortality is about 40-50%. During first and second trimesters, listeriosis results in septic abortion and in utero fetal death, whereas in third trimester it causes corioamnionitis and premature birth. In 1/3 of cases listeriosis can be asymptomatic in fetuses/newborns.
Diagnosis of maternal listerioris may be challenging due to its non-specific systemic manifestations. Work-up is based on blood analyses and amniocentesis. Regardless of the gestation age at diagnosis, management should focus on improving fetal/neonatal course in order to achieve an uncomplicated delivery at term, with ampicillin being the treatment of choice.
Due to its high morbidity and mortality, efforts should be made to control listeriosis, an increasingly common infectious disease that can be prevented. Epidemiologic surveillance is crucial, and recommendations should be issued for high risk groups regarding ways to prevent acquisition.


listeriosis; pregnancy; infection; newbornscientific evidence

Versión en Español


Listeriosis y gestación. Revisión de la evidencia científica actual

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