A study of circadian patterns in blood pressure

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Burguete Ramos MD, Alcalá Orzaez J, Fernández-Pacheco Riesgo C, Rico Berbegal P, López Gómez J, Martínez Riera JR. Estudio del patrón circadiano de la presión arterial. RIdEC 2016; 9(2):6-14.


1 Mª Dolores Burguete Ramos, 2 Jorge Alcalá Orzaez, 3 Concepción Fernández-Pacheco Riesgo, 4 Pablo Rico Berbegal, 4 Jorge López Gómez, 5 José Ramón Martínez Riera


1 Profesora Facultad Enfermería Universidad Católica de Valencia.2 Enfermero.3 Enfermera comunitaria. CS de Guillem de Castro. Valencia.4 Enfermero. Socio de la Asociación de Enfermería Comunitaria (AEC).5 Profesor Titular Departamento de Enfermería Comunitaria, Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública e Historia de la Ciencia-Universidad de Alicante. Presidente Asociación Enfermería Comunitaria (AEC).

Contact email: dobur2001@yahoo.es


Abstract/Purpose: ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) allows blood pressure levels to be assessed both in daytime and nighttime.
We aimed at assessing the prevalence of blood pressure circadian patterns in treated and non treated patients by means of ABPM.
Methods: a retrospective descriptive study based on ABPM reports from January 1st 2014 to December 31st 2015, in the context of an urban health center.
Results: a total of 77 patients were included; 66% of them did not show an appropriate relationship between daytime and nighttime blood pressure levels. Such patients were more likely to have target organ lesions and were older. Presence of such a pattern in younger patients has been associated to a higher body mass index.
Conclusions: prevalence of an altered circadian pattern was high, resulting in a higher cardiovascular risk. Factors associated to an altered circadian pattern include older age. ABPM has allowed people with a white coat phenomenon to be detected. Community nurses play a major role in high blood pressure control using this methodology.


blood pressure circadian pattern; ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; ABPM; community nurses

Versión en Español


Estudio del patrón circadiano de la presión arterial

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