Influence of social support on adherence to drug therapy in a health center in Valencia

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Jiménez Molina G, Vidal Sánchez I, Felipe Román O, Chover Sierra E. Influencia del apoyo en la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico en un centro de salud de Valencia. RIdEC 2020; 13(1):26-35.


1 Gabriel Jiménez Molina, 2 Ivanna Vidal Sánchez, 3 Olaya Felipe Román, 4 Elena Chover Sierra


1 Especialista en Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete.2 Especialista en Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia.3 Máster en Enfermería Oncológica por la Universidad de Valencia. Centro de Atención Primaria Barrio de la Luz de Valencia.4 Doctora en Enfermería por la Universidad de Valencia. Profesora asociada en la Facultad de Enfermería y Podologíade la Universidad de Valencia. Enfermera en Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia.

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Purpose: to assess how social support is perceived by patients attending scheduled visits of Primary Care Nurses, and to describe its influence on the adherence to drug therapy, which are two core items associated with the course and outcome in chronic diseases.
Methods: this is a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study. The target population comprised users who attend scheduled visits of Primary Care Nurses. A non-probabilistic sampling method was used, with a convenience case-consecutive sample. Perceived social support was measured by the MOS test, and adherence to treatment was assessed by the Morisky-Green test.
Results: the final sample included 79 participants. Regarding self-perception of health, 38 of the 79 respondents reported that their health status was good or very good. With regard to adherence to drug therapy, 57 proved to be compliant versus 22 non-compliant. As for perceived social support, 61 received good social support versus 17 who had poor social support. When relating the MOS test and the Morisky-Green test, it could be observed that the better the perceived social support, the better the adherence to treatment.
Conclusions: a Primary Care Nursing office is the appropriate place to assess both adherence to drug therapy and perceived social support; both variables are positively correlated; it is also the right place to identify actual and potential health problems and to implement strategies to ensure treatment adherence.


Primary Care Nursing; social support; drug treatment compliance and adherencecommunity health nursing

Versión en Español


Influencia del apoyo social en la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico en un centro de salud de Valencia

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