

N° 2 Volumen 14

Anxiety in Registered Nurses from Puebla City in times of COVID-19 pandemics

Section: Originals

How to quote

Suárez Máximo JD, Mondragón-Sánchez EJ, Ayala Zuluaga JE. Ansiedad en el licenciado de enfermería del estado de Puebla en el tiempo de pandemia COVID-19. RIdEC dic 2021; 14(2):50-9.


1 Juan Daniel Suárez Máximo, 2 Edna Johana Mondragón- Sánchez, 3 José Enver Ayala Zuluaga


1 Licenciado en Enfermería. Estudiante de la Maestría en Salud Pública en la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, México. Miembro de la Red Mexicana de Enfermería en la Prescripción y de la Asociación Mexicana de Estudiantes de Enfermería división Puebla.2 Maestra en Enfermería. Estudiante de Doctorado en Enfermería de la Universidad Federal de Ceará, Brasil. Docente Universidad del Quindío (Colombia)3 Licenciado en Educación Física y Recreación. Magister en educación-docencia. Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación y certificación postdoctoral en Educación y certificación posdoctoral Motricidad Humana. Profesor de Carrera de la Universidad del Quindío (Colombia).

Contact email: juan.suarezma@alumno.buap.mx


Objective: to describe the current anxiety among Registered Nurses in Puebla, Mexico, when faced with the COVID-19 pandemics. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted on the situation in COVID hospitals from Puebla, Mexico, with a study population of 332,114 nurses. Non-probability convenience sampling, including nurses working at a COVID hospital, with a seniority of three to 6 months, in the period from September 17th to October 23rd, 2020. Measurement tool: questionnaire with sociodemographic, family and occupational data, and the Liebowitz Scale for Social Anxiety (LSAS). Descriptive statistic indexes were conducted, and bivariate analyses in SPSS V25. Results: the study included 150 Registered Nurses. According to the LSAS, moderate social anxiety appeared more frequently in the 25 to 31 years of age interval (n= 27), in the female gender (n= 53), with contract as type of recruitment (n= 30) and morning working shift (n= 23). Regarding significant social anxiety: 25 to 31 years of age (n= 6), female gender (n= 19), relatives with COVID-19 (n= 2), basic type of recruitment (n= 10) and night working shift (n= 7). Conclusion: the LSAS tended to vary based on age, gender, working shift, and whether they or a relative had suffered COVID- 19; this led to the nurse generating social anxiety about the contagion aspects through the activities conducted in their daily work.


nurses; anxiety; infections by coronavirus; descriptive cross-sectional study

Versión en Español


Ansiedad en el licenciado de enfermería del estado de Puebla en tiempo de pandemia COVID-19

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