First aid knowledge by the hunting community when faced with a hunting accident

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Barberia Larrad C, Lorente Aznar T. Conocimientos de primeros auxilios del colectivo cinegético ante un accidente de caza. RIdEC 2022; 15(2):18-25.


1Cristina Barberia Larrad, 2Teófilo Lorente Aznar


1 Enfermera de Atención Continuada. Sector de Huesca. España.2 Médico de Atención Primaria. Centro Salud de Jaca. Huesca. España.

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Objective: to evaluate the knowledge regarding first-aid among the national hunting community when faced with an incident during the hunt.

Method: an observational descriptive cross-sectional study on first-aid knowledge among hunters. The factors studied were: level of knowledge, number of correct answers in the questionnaire, healthcare training, age, seniority in hunting. A 22-question multiple choice questionnaire was self-prepared, based on other validated questionnaires regarding this knowledge.

Results: in total, 180 questionnaires were analysed (91.7% of respondents were male), taking into account the epidemiological profile of the respondents. Significant differences were found between those participants without training in first aid and those with training, with the latter obtaining better results. The younger group showed worse results in comparison with the others. Obviously, healthcare professionals achieved better results than the rest of professions.

Conclusions: the hunting community does not seem to have optimal knowledge in order to act adequately when faced with an accident during the hunt; this could be due to the lack of healthcare training of its members, because having previous healthcare training demonstrated an increase in the questionnaire score. The rest of the factors did not have impact on the number of correct answers, except for age, because the younger respondents obtained lower scores, and therefore would require higher training. A theoretical-practical training program would be recommended in order to reduce insecurities, increase participation in assistance, and lead to good practice behaviours.


first aid; pre-hospital care; onlooker; hunting

Versión en Español


Conocimientos de primeros auxilios del colectivo cinegético ante un accidente de caza

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