Nursing and general care of low-complexity conditions by Primary Care Nursing: regarding a case of diarrhea

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Dalfó Pibernat A, Feijoo Cid M, Moreno Martínez M, Ovejas López A, Rossel Vidal J. Cuidados enfermeros y atención de la patología de baja complejidad en enfermería en Atención Primaria: a propósito de un caso de diarrea. RIdEC 2022; 15(2):63-9.


1Artur Dalfó Pibernat, 2María Feijoo Cid, 3Marina Moreno Martínez, 4Aida Ovejas López, 5Jessica Rosell Vidal


1 Enfermero. CAP Horta. Barcelona (España).2 Profesora. Departamento de Enfermería. Facultad de Medicina. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. España.3 Enfermera. CAP Gironella. Barcelona (España).4 Médico de familia. CAP Horta. Barcelona (España).5 Enfermera. Hospital QuirónSalud Barcelona. España.

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The Institut Català de la Salut (ICS) is the main public healthcare provider in Catalonia, and nursing teams have been providing care and managing acute low-complexity conditions in the Primary Care (PC) setting since 2008, through protocols by consensus with algorithms of action for certain scenarios.   
The objective of the current study is to make public the nursing care in this process; to this aim, a clinical case is presented, regarding a 30-year-old woman with diarrhea, which is managed and solved by the nurse. The objective of this care and new role is that they can manage mild acute conditions, both in the adult and the paediatric population; this will provide an added value with a nursing care plan which modifies lifestyles, promotes behaviours of prevention and risk control, improves independence, and even gives alternative options of care other than medicalization. Managing low-complexity health issues, like this present case, will increase the responsibilities and commitment of nurses beyond healthcare education in PC.  


Primary Health Care; diarrhea; primary nursing

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