Adverse reactions in patiens vaccinated against covid-19 in Primary Care

Section: Originals

How to quote

López Sánchez R, Arjona Pérez I, Cabezas Estrella S, Hernández Robledo R, de las Pozas Abril J. Reacciones adversas en pacientes vacunados contra la COVID-19 en Atención Primaria. RIdEC 2023; 16(1):28-37.


1 Rocío López Sánchez, 1 Irene Arjona Pérez, 1 Sergio Cabezas Estrella, 1 Raquel Hernández Robledo, 2 Julia de las Pozas Abril


1 Grado en enfermería. Centro de Salud Dr. Mendiguchía Carriche. Leganés, Comunidad de Madrid (España). 2 Máster universitario en cuidados críticos de enfermería. Centro de Salud Dr. Mendiguchía Carriche. Leganés, Comunidad de Madrid (España).

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Objective: to understand the frequency and type of adverse reactions developed by the population vaccinated in the community setting.
Method: a prospective observational quantitative study. The participants were those patients vaccinated at the Doctor Mendiguchia Carriche Primary Care Centre in Leganés (Madrid) during the vaccination period between May and September 2021.
The adverse reactions self-reported within the seven days after each dose of ComirnatyTM-Pfizer-BioNTech and the single dose of J&J® Janssen were analysed in the study.
Those reactions described as more frequent in the product specifications were collected, as well as unusual adverse reactions which patients associated with vaccination. Sociodemographic variables and past history of COVID-19 were also attached.
Results: the study included 821 patients; 687 of them received their first Pfizer dose, 457 received a second dose, and 100 received a single dose of J&J® Janssen. 88.5% of patients vaccinated with ComirnatyTM-Pfizer-BioNTech and 69.2% of patients vaccinated with J&J® Janssen presented some adverse reaction. There was a higher number of adverse reactions reported per patient after the second dose of ComirnatyTM-Pfizer-BioNTech. There was a relationship between the development of adverse reactions and age and gender. The percentages of unusual adverse reactions that patients associated with vaccination were also included.
Conclusion: the analysis of results provided important information about the frequency of adverse reactions in the different age groups, the different types of vaccines, and between those with or without a past history of COVID-19 The adverse reactions reported were numerous, but not severe.


adverse event; vaccination; SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19

Versión en Español


Reacciones adversas en pacientes vacunados contra la COVID-19 en Atención Primaria