JULIO 2019 N° 1 Volumen 2

The needs of family members in long-term cancer survivorship

Section: Original


Beatriz Cavallar Oriol1, Cristina García-Vivar2,3


Introduction: Cancer is a family experience in which survivors and their families experience changes in the short and long term, especially in the emotional sphere. Concerns about recurrence or the uncertainty of the future generate significant levels of stress in the family. Despite this, there is little research on the needs of family members in cancer survival.

Aims: To identify and describe the needs of family members of cancer survivors in the long-term survival.

Methods: Narrative review with systematic methodology of article selection in four databases (PubMed, Cinhal, PsycINFO y Cochrane Library) published between December 2015 and March 2018 was conducted in addition to manual review of 10 of the most important journals in the field of oncology. The fifteen articles that met the selection criteria were analysed and the quality of these was also assessed.

Results: The family members, referred to as "secondary survivors" have specific needs that should be addressed by health professionals. These needs were classified into the following four categories: emotional and spiritual support, information, care management of the survivor, and the need for attention to the family members themselves.

Conclusions: This review compiles evidence that shows that the family should be viewed as the unit of care in the long-term cancer survivorship. Furthermore, it provides a starting point for the development of new clinical practice guidelines that promote family assessment and intervention, not only in the initial phases of cancer diagnosis and treatment, but also in the long-term cancer survivorship.

Versión en Español


Necesidades de los familiares en la etapa de larga supervivencia de cáncer

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