Section: Artículos Científicos


Susana Rubio Martín1, Sonia Rubio Martín2


1 Licenciada en Antropología Social y Cultural y enfermera en la Unidad de Cuidados Críticos Cardiacos del Hospital Virgen de la Salud del Complejo Hospitalario Toledo.2 Enfermera en la Unidad de Pruebas Funcionales del Hospital Virgen del Puerto de Plasencia de Cáceres.

Contact address

Susana Rubio Martín. Comité Editorial Enfermería en Cardiología. Casa del Corazón. C/ Ntra. Sra. de Guadalupe, 5-7 28028 Madrid

Contact email: revistametodologia@enfermeriaencardiologia.com


In evidence-based clinical practice, we must justify our decisions everyday, but this is difficult due to the huge amount of continuously increasing knowledge. Nowadays, we have not the time necessary to read and analyze all the articles resulting from nursing literature, and sometimes the understanding of research reports is not easy.
«Synthesis of Evidence» reports provide a quick review of the scientific evidence available on the object of analysis. The Synthesis Report is based on the evaluation made by Experts´ Working Groups and offers a complete and proven perspective of the object of the study and facilitates disclosure of the evidence to the rest of the scientific community and evidence-based clinical practice professionals.
They are developed to serve as a helping tool for professionals and groups involved in the evaluation and therapeutic and clinical positioning of the subject concerned. Developing the synthesis report requires that the evaluation process be delimited and made explicit, guaranteeing the scientific rigor and its methodological quality.
This kind of document becomes a guide for developing Synthesis of Evidence reports of medicaments, diagnostic algorithms, clinical practice guidelines, protocols, etc. These reports are a helping tool when taking decisions, which is used in activities related to evidence-based clinical practice.


guideline; evidence-based practice; project reportsnursing

Versión en Español


El Informe de evidencias: divulgación y síntesis científica

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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