Methodological aspects of primary data collection implementation and its ethical considerations in clinical research

Section: Sección de Metodología. Enfermería Basada en la Evidencia: Investigación Clínica Aplicada a las Ciencias de la Salud


Susana Rubio Martín1, Soraya Martín Manjarrés2, Sonia Rubio Martín3.


1 Antropóloga Social y Cultural y enfermera en la Unidad de Cuidados Críticos Cardiacos del Complejo Hospitalario de Toledo.2 Doctoranda UCLM. Fisioterapeuta. Comité Ética. Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos, Toledo.3 Enfermera en la Unidad de Pruebas Funcionales CEDT del Hospital Virgen del Puerto de Plasencia de Cáceres.


In a research study, the validity of the results depends, among other aspects, on the quality of the collected data. A research protocol is defined as the document by means of which the background and reasons for carrying out a research or a study are set forth and in which the objectives, design, material and methods that will be used for the observation, interpretation and analysis of the information are specified. For the validity of the results of the study it is important for the protocol to be rigorous and include the document explaining how the information will be obtained and its analysis will be done for constructing the object of study.
The sources of information must be reliable and complete. Most studies in nursing and health sciences use primary sources and prepare self-reports, which allow information to be obtained directly from the subject on the topic of interest through the use of a questionnaire or interview. The value of these methods is based on the fact that they are direct and versatile, but their greatest disadvantage lies in the risk of deliberate or unconscious distortions occurring on the part of the subjects and/or of the researcher, which poses a reflection on the ethical considerations of the proper use of the measuring instrument, as well as of the aseptic use of the collected data.


data collection; methods; etics research; Health Sciences

Versión en Español


Aspectos metodológicos de la instrumentalización de la recogida de datos primarios y sus consideraciones éticas en la investigación clínica

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