Infartapp: an App for self-care in post-infarcted patients

Section: Artículo Especial

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Enferm Cardiol. 2019;26(76):83-88


  Raquel Parral Gil1, Ángel Lizcano Álvarez2, Diana Galván Redondo1, Carlos Guerra Blanco3.


  Raquel Parral Gil1, Ángel Lizcano Álvarez2, Diana Galván Redondo1, Carlos Guerra Blanco3.   1 Graduada en Enfermería en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Enfermera del SERMAS.    2 PhD. Profesor del Área de enfermería  en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid.   3 Ingeniero Informático en la UNED. Front–end en

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Raquel Parral Gil. C/ Irlanda, 2 portal 2 4o B 28943. Fuenlabrada (Madrid)

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Introduction. Acute myocardial infarction is one of the most prevalent health problems, with a high morbidity and mortality, and it entails a change in the user‘s lifestyle that affects his/her biopsychosocial sphere. Adequate secondary prevention is important so as to reduce recurrences, improve the quality of life and control cardiovascular risk factors. Objective. Development of a health education tool to facilitate post-infarcted patients‘ training in their cardiovascular self-care: Infartapp.
Methodology. A literature search is made by consulting databases and the main cardiology websites, thereby selecting a total of 23 full text articles.
Results. Integral cardiovascular care is classified according to Marjory Gordon‘s functional patterns, so as to know those alterations that someone who has suffered from an acute myocardial infarction may present. Information is provided on the main alterations that may appear to favor users‘ empowerment.
Conclusion. A mobile application Infartapp. is offered in order to favor the acquisition of knowledge and skills that may lead to training in decision making by the user, so that he or she can lead his/her self-management and health-disease process.


myocardial infarction; self care; nursing; primary health care; health education

Versión en Español


Infartapp: una app para los autocuidados en pacientes postinfartados

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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