Enfermería en Cardiología

Enfermería en Cardiología

SEPTIEMBRE 2019 N° 78 Volumen 29

Case report: regarding an intra-aortic counterpulsation balloon

Section: Casos clínicos

How to quote

Enferm Cardiol. 2019; 26 (78): 83-87.


Noelia María Seoane Pardo1, María Gómez Martínez1, David Rodríguez Cañás1, María Belén Blanco Longueira2, Montserrat García García1.


  1 Diplomados Universitarios en Enfermería. Enfermeras de la unidad de cuidados intensivos cardiacos (UCIC) del Complexo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña (CHUAC).    2 Supervisora de la unidad de cuidados intensivos cardiacos del CHUAC.

Contact address

Noelia María Seoane Pardo. Complexo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña. UCIC 6ª planta. As Xubias, 84. 15006 A Coruña

Contact email: noeliaseoane@yahoo.es


The intra-aortic counterpulsation balloon (IACPB) is one of the short-term ventricular assist devices (VADs) most commonly used nowadays due to its easy handling and operation. The balloon inflates during diastole and deflates during systole, thereby synchronizing itself with the cardiac cycle, increasing coronary perfusion during diastole and decreasing afterload during systole, thus decreasing cardiac work and myocardial oxygen consumption, so as to improve coronary and peripheral perfusion.
We present the case of a 67-year-old woman who is admitted to the coronary intensive care unit due to cardiogenic shock, to whom an IACPB is inserted and for whom inclusion in emergency 1 for cardiac transplantation is decided. During her admission, important complications associated with the insertion of this device and an important level of anxiety arose. An individualized care plan was developed by assessing the 14 needs according to the Virginia Henderson‘s model, the following nursing diagnoses standing out: anxiety, activity intolerance and impaired resilience. She was able to improve her level of anxiety, her mobility and her motor strength, all of which helped her to face in a more positive way the situation she was living until her heart transplantation. The work of the nursing team when monitoring the complications arisen, and the emotional support to the patient and her environment, were key so that her prolonged hospitalization was as bearable as possible.


auxiliary heart; critical care; nursing careintra-aortic counterpulsation balloon

Versión en Español


Caso clínico: a propósito de un balón de contrapulsación intraaórtico

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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