

ENERO 2009 N° 1 Volumen 7

Anaphylactic shock outside the hospital setting



1Alfredo Jesús Poley Guerra, 2Ricardo José Pérez Galán, 3María del Castillo García Velázquez


1Enfermero de Dispositivo de Cuidados Críticos. Distrito Sur, Sevilla.2Enfermero de Centro de Salud de Atención Primaria “Otero”, Ceuta.3Enfermera de Dispositivo de cuidados Críticos y Urgencias. Distrito Sur, Sevilla.

Contact email: alfredopoley@hotmail.com


Anaphylactic show, also referred to as anaphylactic reaction, anaphylaxis or shock by anaphylaxis, is a type of distributive shock caused by a severe response of the immunity system to an antigen against which the body has been sensitised. This reaction may be caused by different types of substances: drugs, foods and chemical additives, biological venoms, X-ray contrast medium, blood derivates, etc. The result is a range of alterations in several systems (respiratory, cardiovascular, skin, gastrointestinal), which if not treated in time can compromise the patient’s life. Now, referring to the primary care setting and given that one of the prime roles of nursing personnel at this level is the administration of potentially allergenic substances (vaccination campaigns at schools, home administration of meds, etc.) in places far away from healthcare centres, it is essential for the nurse to be informed of the basic measures to be taken and to have the necessary emergency means, being of paramount importance to administer the correct dose of the appropriate drugs and to know how to give basic or advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


shock; anaphylactic shock; antigen; antibodies; adrenalinenursing

Versión en Español


El shock anafiláctico en el ámbito extrahospitalario