

MARZO 2009 N° 3 Volumen 7

Categorising competences in the Nursing academic curriculum for the sequencing of the teaching-learning process



Mª Teresa Romá Ferri, María Luisa Velasco, María Luisa López-Coig, Ángela Sanjuan


Departamento de Enfermería, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante.

Contact email: mtr.ferri@ua.es


The new model for the design of university curriculums associated to competence allocation has shown the conceptual and typological heterogeneity of said competences. This diversity responds to the different underlying scenarios of teaching, which generally encompass the social and economical turfs as well as the educational and psychological one. Notwithstanding, an unavoidable aspect of the process is the need to harmonise the different existing points of view so as to obtain a curriculum that is in accordance with the requirements of the professional practice.  Because of this and with the intention of ensuring the construction of significant learning, as part of the baseline knowledge the student has and the knowledge that he or she will slowly acquire, we present a proposal for the categorisation of competences. Such proposal should allow for the grouping of competences and determine their sequencing in the process of the teaching-learning process in degree studies.
Material and method: wording of the competence statements as compiled in section 5 of the Annex of Order CIN/2134/2008 pertaining to the University Degree of Nursing and those proposed by the University of Alicante. To determine the transversality of the teaching-learning process and its sequencing, competences were identified as: universal basic competence, specific basic competence, general specific competence and specialised specific competence.
Results: The grouping of minimal competences to be part of the nursing curriculum based on the established categorisation is presented, together with a sequencing proposal for the teaching-learning process.
Conclusions: The analysis carried out of each of the competences studied provides a proposal on what ought to be learnt and when, as well as what ought to be evaluated at each of the semesters of the academic curriculum. Our contribution clearly shows the need for the sequencing of competences as a first part of the design in order to maintain a harmonious vision and to avoid the risk of redundancies, fragmentation and discontinuity or gaps with respect to knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed to properly tackle problems from a professional perspective.  The proposal herein presented is not intended to establish an unequivocal model for the structuring of all competences but rather a work and communications tool in the different areas of university-level knowledge involved in the development of academic curricula.


classification of student competences; nursingdegree

Versión en Español


Categorización de las competencias del plan de estudios de Enfermería para su secuenciación en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje