

MAYO 2009 N° 5 Volumen 7

An academic teaching experience on the assessment of competences 



Mª Isabel Pascual Benito, Helena Hernández Martínez, Francisco López Martínez


Departamento de Enfermería. Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Guadalajara, Universidad de Alcalá.

Contact address

Francisco López Martínez. Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Guadalajara. Edificio Multidepartamental. C/ Cifuentes, 28. 19003 Guadalajara.


In this new learning setting, the student is in the centre state of the learning process due to the application of an approach based on the acquisition of competences. This makes the adaptation of the teaching methodology and its assessment mandatory. By taking the compulsory annual subject on Methodology of Care (9 credits), the student will have to acquire specific competences, which are fundamental to this subject, as well as the transversal competences indicated by the ANECA (Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation).

The objective of this work is to present the experience arising from the modifications introduced in the assessment of acquisition of competences by the students and its evaluation from three different perspectives: satisfaction of the student and the professor on the teaching and assessment system used, and the academic results obtained.

The experience started in the 2004/2005 academic year at which time only the acquisition of knowledge, skills during the undertaking of the practicum classes and the capacity to analyse, reflect and criticize a case study carried out by the own student were the only areas assessed. Over the following academic years, new strategies for the acquisition of more competences were planned (until the listing was complete) for the student to take them on, and the necessary tools for the evaluation of such strategies were designed.

In the 2007/08 year, an anonymous poll was administered using a Likert-type measurement scale that included open questions with a comparison of academic results from the beginning of the experience. After analysing the results, 40% of the students valued the experience as good and 42% as very good, both in the acquisition of specific as well as transversal competences taught in the subject. Hence, it can be concluded that this experience has been a positive one as it made it easier for the students to acquire competences. Nevertheless, academic data indicate a drop in the percentage of higher scores/grades and a rise in the number of fail scores/grades.


assessment systems; academic teaching innovationcompetence assessment

Versión en Español


Una experiencia docente en evaluación de competencias