

JULIO 2009 N° 7 Volumen 7

Care of the newborn during the first year of life



1Laura Castro Varela, 2Marco Antonio Zapata Sampedro


1Diplomada Universitaria en Enfermería. Servicio de Maternidad. Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal Robert Ballanger, Aulnay sous Bois, París.2Diplomado Universitario en Enfermería. Centro de salud Polígono Norte, Sevilla. Distrito sanitario de Atención Primaria Sevilla.

Contact email: lauracv1985 hotmail.com


The first days and weeks of life of a new born are a period of excitement and joyfulness for most parents. But also the idea of being responsible for  such a fragile and vulnerable little being can be frightening, and even more so when the parents are not familiarised with the baby’s aspect and behaviour.
Fathers can also get involved in the care of the baby from an early stage and the nursing team must actively encourage them in their effort.
Nursing care must start immediately while the parents are still enjoying the first moments of life of their baby’s life. Care that must be taught to the parents include care of the umbilical cord, the baby’s bath and skin care, laboratory  tests for neonatal screening, formula feeding or breastfeeding and the initial vaccinations.
Manual skills and baby care knowledge do not come instantly to parents. Because of this, nurses are an excellent source of information to show and teach parents how to hold, carry, make the baby burp, change diapers, etc among other baby care routines.


new born; parents; nursing care; babyhealth education

Versión en Español


Cuidados del recién nacido en su primer año de vida