

OCTUBRE 2010 N° 8 Volumen 8

The television programs do not affect the influx to the emergency room


How to quote

Lázaro Meca RS, García González J, Pérez Vigueras MP, Martín Retuerto B, Cánovas Gaspar JP, Jiménez Jiménez MJ. La programación televisiva no influye en la afluencia a urgencias. Educare21 oct 2010; 69. [En línea] [fecha de acceso: 1 de octubre de 2010]. URL disponible en: http://www.educare.net


1Rosa Susana Lázaro Meca, 1Jaume García González, 1María Purificación Pérez Vigueras, 2Pedro Jesús Raygal Fernández, 1Beatriz Martín Retuerto, 1Juan Pablo Cánovas Gaspar, 3María Josefa Jiménez Jiménez


1Enfermera/o del Servicio de Urgencias del Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía de Murcia.2Enfermero del Servicio de Urgencias de Atención Primaria, Alhama de Murcia.3Enfermera. Supervisora Psiquiatría. Hospital Universitario Morales Meseguer Murcia.

Contact email: jgarciag76@hotmail.com


Introduction: if we assume the definition of urgency made by the WHO as "the fortuitous appearance (unforeseen or unexpected) in any place or activity, of a health problem of a diverse cause and varying severity, which generates the awareness of a pressing need for attention from the individual suffering it or their family"; we can say that this is a subjective assessment which can be modulated by multiple factors ranging from medical to social, labor, economic or cultural problems.
Television now plays an important role in spanish society. Numerous studies describe the relationship between health and television. Due to that, television is involved in the assessment we make of reality. The overall objective of our research is to describe the relationship between television prime time and the number of emergency room visits in the Hospital General Universitario Reina Sofía of Murcia in 2009.
Material and methods: a retrospective case-control analytical study. We compared the number of emergencies during the broadcast of a prime time program, with the number of emergencies the same day and time of the previous week and analyzed the characteristics of patients and the type of emergency during the broadcasting of maximum audience program. Quantitative variables were summarized using means and compared using analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Results: there was no increase or decrease, significant in emergency demand during the transmission of television prime time. There were no statistically significant differences in the control group nor in terms of age, or sex.
Conclusion: the awareness of urgency (immediate need of care) in our study is not affected by the broadcasting of prime time television programs.


demand for health services; hospital emergency department; televisiónurgency

Versión en Español


La programación televisiva no influye en la afluencia a urgencias

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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