

MARZO 2011 N° 3 Volumen 9

The importance of resilience in the classroom with student nurses


How to quote

Cruz Núñez F. Importancia de la resilencia en el aula con estudiantes de enfermería. Educare21.net 2011; 74. [En línea] [fecha de acceso: 1 de marzo de 2011]. URL disponible en: http://www.educare21.net


Fabiola Cruz Núñez


Máster en Ciencias de Enfermería. Máster en desarrollo educativo. Doctorado en Educación, profesora a tiempo completo de la Facultad de Enfermería.

Contact email: fabicune76@hotmail.es


Introduction: resilience construct allows the analysis of educational situations and the difficulties some students have in a more constructive way, recognizing the problems but trying to mobilize the resources available. The dimensions and the creation of opportunities for meaningful participation or life skills should be aspects of priority within the framework of educational institutions, besides understanding that a resilient student will achieve greater academic and personal success, since they will be better acquainted with their potential.
Development: the phenomenon of resilience has become important in the educational process of future nurses, because it is shown that after the family, the school environment is key, fundamental for the student nurses to gain the skills necessary to succeed through their ability to overcome any adversity both in their personal and academic life and, in the future, in their  profession.
Conclusions: in summary, resilience is built through personal interactions with the student to transmit optimism and focus on their strengths, and by incorporating six factors which build resilience into the structure, to the teaching strategies and the educational institution programs.


factors; pillars; resilience; Self-esteemsources

Versión en Español


Importancia de la resiliencia en el aula con estudiantes de enfermería