

DICIEMBRE 2011 N° 10 Volumen 9

Health Education Program aimed at Caregivers of Dependant People


How to quote

Caraballo González R, García Ogueta L, Marijuan Villaverde C. Programa de educación sanitaria dirigido a cuidadores de personas con dependencia. Educare21 2011; 81. [En línea] [fecha de acceso: 1 de diciembre de 2011]. URL disponible en: http://www.educare21.net


1Rocío Caraballo González, 2Laura García Ogueta, 3Cristina Marijuan Villaverde


1Enfermera. Centro de Salud Sansomendi. Comarca de Araba, Osakidetza.2Enfermera. Centro de Salud Gazalbide. Comarca de Araba, Osakidetza.3Enfermera. Centro de Salud Casco Viejo. Comarca de Araba, Osakidetza.

Contact email: rocio.caraballogonzalez@osakidetza.net


The physical or mental deterioration of a family member causes traumatic and drastic changes in their environment. The reality is that there is always someone in the family who is responsible to a greater degree for the care of the sick family member, and this could endanger their health due to the physical and emotional overload to which they are subjected.
The program\'s goal is to develop skills to prevent future caregiver’s illnesses and improve the care of the dependent patient. To this end, we will form groups of caregivers through theoretical and practical sessions to acquire skills to cope better with their daily problems.
The intervention will be evaluated using a test that caregivers carried out before the sessions in which their physical, psychological and social condition is measured, and a second test at the end with the same questions to see their evolution.


caregiver; dependency; education; overloadprevention

Versión en Español


Programa de educación sanitaria dirigido a cuidadores de personas con dependencia