

MAYO 2012 N° 5 Volumen 10

Program of Health Education for women with menopause


How to quote

Marijuan Villaverde C, Caraballo González R, García Ogueta L. Programa de Educación para la Salud dirigido a mujeres con menopausia. Educare21 2012; 10(5). [En línea] [fecha de acceso: 1 de mayo de 2012]. URL disponible en: http://www.enfermeria21.com/publicaciones/educare/


1Cristina Marijuan Villaverde, 2Rocío Caraballo González, 3Laura García Ogueta


1Enfermera del Centro de Salud Gazalbide, Comarca de Araba, Osakidetza. 2Enfermera del Centro de Salud Sansomendi, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava.3Diplomada en Enfermería. EUE Vitoria.

Contact email: cristina.marijuanvillaverde@osakidetza.net


Menopause should be presented as a natural event in the lives of women and at this stage, nurses play a vital role in providing information, support and care for women. However, this care should not be standardized and rigid for all women but must be approached from a biopsychosocial perspective as menopause can be perceived in many ways among different cultures or ethnic groups.
The main objective of the program is to educate women to be aware of and accept the changes occurring in the menopause, so they can enjoy a high quality of life. To achieve this, we form groups of between 10 and 15 climacteric women which through theoretical and practical sessions will acquire knowledge and skills applicable to their reality and personal situation.
The intervention is evaluated by comparing the data collected in the initial individual interview with those obtained in the interview six months after this first intervention. In these interviews we will collect the individual characteristics of each woman (weight, height, BMI, blood pressure), their dietary habits, physical exercise and they will pass the Questionnaire for Assessment of Quality of Life.
Consent will also be asked to have a follow up every six months for two years to account for health consultations undertaken in relation to menopause and its consequences. The results will be compared with those of a control group of women of the same features and at the same stage of the life cycle who will not participate in the program.


changes; education; menopause; quality of lifewomen

Versión en Español


Programa de Educación para la Salud dirigido a mujeres con menopausia