

MAYO 2012 N° 5 Volumen 10

You have a ganglion


How to quote

Morales Gómez-Cambronero I. Usted tiene un ganglión. Educare21 2012; 10(5). [En línea] [fecha de acceso: 1 de mayo de 2012]. URL disponible en: http://www.enfermeria21.com/publicaciones/educare/


Isabel Morales Gómez-Cambronero


Enfermera del Hospital Virgen de Altagracia (Ciudad Real).

Contact email: lebasi2003@hotmail.com


Finding a lump or mass in any region of the body, causes to those who have it one a shock. If it is in our hands, in constant view and movement, the worry is so big that would go the medical services. At the time when the specialist announces: "You have a synovial cyst or a ganglion" the doubts, the anxiety and unrest all come back, because it is an unusual disease and is often credited with more importance than it actually has.
After ruling out other pathologies through an appropriate osteoarticular differential diagnosis, the patient has a cyst of benign source which generally lacks significant symptoms.
Usually a clinical interview and examination through palpation are sufficient to a complete the diagnostics, not requiring in most cases any additional testing.
Only when pain or aesthetic effects are present due to of its growth, the professional will decide the most appropriate technique, including conservative physical measures (injection of corticosteroids, local anesthetic or rupture or  aspiration of the cyst) as well as surgical treatment. This result will only be permanent as long as a methodical technique to prevent recurrence is followed.
The aim of this paper is to present the pathology and deal with it according to their origin and evolution, because it is the most frequent cause of tumor in the region of the wrist in young patients. To this is appended to existing clinical practice, which builds more on the need to disseminate our knowledge and skills to minimize anxiety and good practice in health.


benign; cystsynovial fluid

Versión en Español


Usted tiene un ganglión