

JULIO 2012 N° 7 Volumen 10

Pregnancy and hypopressive exercises


How to quote

Bueno Montero E. Ejercicios hipopresivos y embarazo. Educare21 2012; 10(7). [En línea] [fecha de acceso: 1 de junio de 2012]. URL disponible en: http://www.enfermeria21.com/publicaciones/educare/


Estefanía Bueno Montero


Enfermera del Hospital Punta Europa, Algeciras (Cádiz) y Especialista Obstétrico-Ginecológica (Matrona).

Contact email: Buenoestefania@hotmail.es


The Hypopressive Techniques (HT) were created by the doctor of Science in Human Movement and Specialized Rehabilitation, Marcel Caufriez, through his dedication to the uro-gynecological rehabilitation.
In 1980, he called them “diaphragmatic aspiration” and from them he created in the laboratory the Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics (HAG), whose initial goal was to find a strengthening training technique that was beneficial to the abdominal fascia without having negative effects on the pelvic floor.
In 2006, the same author using the base of the GAH, created the HT applied to prevention, health and athletic performance, which he called dynamic hypopressive exercises (DH) or Reprocessing Soft Fitness (Pinsach, 2010).
The HT is used in postpartum recovery and uro-gynecological physiotherapy.
They are recent innovative postural and rhythmic exercises which have been adopted in the area of health and preventive exercise.
They open a future line of research that suggests this could be possible tool in toning the abdominal and perineal area.
The HT is beneficial for urinary incontinence and increased functional synergy between the diaphragm and respiratory pelvic-perineal muscles.

Objective: to show the technique to health care professionals who are not aware of it, demonstrating its benefits and try to include it in our care and professional practice in order to create health-promoting behaviors.


abdominal muscles; healthy exercise; hypopressive abdominal gymnastics; hypopressive techniquespelvic Floor

Versión en Español


Ejercicios hipopresivos y embarazo