

ENERO 2013 N° 1 Volumen 11

The Management Of Peripheral Venous Catheters By The Nurse


How to quote

Calero Romero MR, Jiménez Álvarez AI, Ramos Pareja E. El manejo de catéteres venosos periféricos por el profesional de enfermería. Rev. Educare21 2013; 11(1). [En línea] [fecha de acceso: 1 de enero de 2013]. URL disponible en: http://www.enfermeria21.com/publicaciones/educare/


1María del Rocío Calero Romero,  2Ana Isabel Jiménez Álvarez,  3Elisa Ramos Pareja


1Enfermera. Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío Sevilla. 2Enfermera. Hospital General Juan Ramón Jiménez. Huelva, 3Diplomada en Enfermería.


To preparare this document a literature review was conducted on the management of peripheral venous catheters. This is to update knowledge on the care needed to maintain their location and permeability, and minimize possible complications such as phlebitis and extravasation, though they do not entail a very high morbidity and mortality, it is true that any complications for patients, slight that it is, cause discomfort, changes in the location of the catheter, limitation of movement, disturbances in therapy, etc., and when such serious complications become severe they are associated with considerable morbidity because of the high frequency of use.
The role of nurses is to provide quality care and provide comfortable assistance to the patient, which includes preventing complications associated with these catheters, which one may pay little attention to them as they are part of the everyday rutine.
The prevention of potential complications, especially those related to infections, becomes a very important aspect, which is required to create the adequate support to allow nurses to have the tools to achieve them. In this regard training on specific content and create previously proven procedures, protocols and practice guidelines with which homogenize and standardize the different moments of introduction, monitoring or action related to such catheters, as the risk of infection decreases with standardization of care is necessary.


catheterization; infectionperipheral venous catheters

Versión en Español


El manejo de catéteres venosos periféricos por el profesional de enfermería