

MAYO 2013 N° 5 Volumen 11

Nursing care for peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis


How to quote

Benítez Fuentes E, Castro Varela L. Zapata Sampedro MA. Diálisis peritoneal y hemodiálisis cuidados enfermeros. Rev. Educare21 2013; 11(5). [En línea] [fecha de acceso: 1 de mayo de 2013]. URL disponible en: http://www.enfermeria21.com/publicaciones/educare/


1Elena Benítez Fuentes, 2Laura Castro Varela, 3Marco A. Zapata Sampedro


1Enfermera. Servicio de Hospitalización. Clínica Nuestra Señora de Fátima. Sevilla.2Enfermera. Servicio de Otorrinolaringología. Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena. Sevilla.3Enfermero. Centro de Salud Polígono Norte. Distrito Sanitario de Atención Primaria Sevilla.

Contact email: elena_bb_ats@hotmail.com


Dialysis is a therapy commonly used for impaired kidney function. It is based on fluid molecules shifting from a compartment, through a semi-permeable membrane, into another compartment. Two dialysis methods are currently available: through peritoneum, i.e. peritoneal dialysis, and hemodialysis, i.e., making patient\'s collected blood pass through a double-compartment dialyzer.
Initial renal failure symptoms are not very apparent. Varied manifestations, such as nausea, vomiting, seizures, nocturia, bone pain, or anemia, usually appear, however, during its subsequent course.
Nurses must be able to select suitable care for each dialysis type and avoid potential complications. This is the reason why nurses play a crucial role in avoiding infections, controlling blood pressure, and detecting potential blood losses, among many other tasks.
Patient education on the disease and the way it is treated is one of the nursing tasks that should emphasized, so that both the patient himself/herself and/or their caregivers know how to apply disease-relevant care.


catheters; health education; hemodialysis; peritoneal dialysisself-care

Versión en Español


Diálisis peritoneal y hemodiálisis cuidados enfermeros