

OCTUBRE 2013 N° 8 Volumen 11

Case presentation: a psychotic decompensation related to potomania episodes



1Alberto Ramírez Sánchez, 2Cecilia Espinosa Calderón, 3Antonio Francisco Herrera Montenegro, 4David Darío Martín Pérez


1Enfermero Interno Residente de Salud Mental. Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria (Málaga).2Enfermera. Clínica Diálisis Fresenius Medical Care (Málaga). 3Enfermero. Hospital Carlos Haya (Málaga). 4Enfermero especialista en Salud Mental USMC-Valle del Guadalhorce (Málaga).

Contact email: alberto.ramirez.sanchez21@gmail.com


A clinical case is presented from a nursing perspective: a 44-year old patient with a medical diagnosis of mild mental retardation, residual schizophrenia, and recurrent potomania episodes.
This was a complicated case, with an apparent association between potomania episodes and clinical impairment. Use of nursing process is proposed as a tool to apply scientific method to nursing practice.
After an assessment based on Marjory Gordon's functional health patterns, nursing diagnoses of fluid volume excess and socializing impairment, among others, were recognized. A care plan was implemented and a high nursing involvement was used, and very successful results were observed in a short period of time.
Our case confirms literature reported findings: an increased rate of potomania cases is observed in patients with chronic schizophrenia, and a remarkable hyponatremia exacerbation mirroring simultaneous psychotic decompensation and/or improvement is found. Hyponatremia can be associated to affective mood changes such as irritability and hostility, which could explain behavioral changes associated to increased fluid ingestion.


schizophrenia; potomania; care planmental health

Versión en Español


Caso clínico: descompensación psicótica en relación a episodios de potomanía