

ENERO 2014 N° 1 Volumen 12

Nursing care for wounds: some considerations


How to quote

Zapata Sampedro MA, Tejada Caro R, Castro Varela L. Consideraciones acerca del tratamiento enfermero de heridas. Educare21 2014; 12(1). Disponible en: http://www.enfermeria21.com/revistas/educare/


1Marco A. Zapata Sampedro, 2Rocío Tejada Caro, 3Laura Castro Varela.


1Enfermero. Centro de Salud Ronda Histórica. Distrito Sanitario de Atención Primaria Sevilla. Sevilla. 2Enfermera. Unidad de Medicina Interna. Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena. Sevilla. 3Enfermera. Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena. Sevilla.

Contact email: in.ictv.ocvli@hotmail.com


Nurses are responsible for assessing and planning patients’ care, which includes a correct recognition and evaluation of wounds, as well as indication and use of a number of drug products intended to achieve tissue integrity and healing.

Based on such evaluation, nurses may sometimes approach wounds as a local problem, and focus on selecting the best option among an ointment and some particular dressings. Such a decision is not, however, a reliable basis for wound healing.

Our paper shows the importance of nurses in patients' clinical evaluation and wound assessment. This is the right way to establish a potential cause and a suitable therapy, which consist of a number of measures a nurse can apply within a care plan, and is not limited to local wound surveillance.

Finally, the importance of a dressing or a cream for wound healing is highlighted. This should always be done, however, within the framework of the measures described in the nursing care plan and based on available scientific evidence.


Skin integrity impairment; dressing; ointmentwounds

Versión en Español


Consideraciones acerca del tratamiento enfermero de heridas