Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

SEPTIEMBRE 2018 N° 2 Volumen 6

Prevalence of premenstrual dysphoric syndrome

Section: Originales

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Folgado Catalá L, Pérez Moreno JD, Guillén Guzmán P, Planells Domingo NC. Prevalencia del síndrome disfórico premenstrual. Matronas hoy. 2018; 6(2):5-13.


1 Laura Folgado Catalá, 1 Juan Diego Pérez Moreno, 2 Patricia Guillén Guzmán, 3 Noelia Carmen Planells Domingo


1 Residente de matrona (EIR2). Hospital Luís Alcayís-Xátiva (Valencia)2 Matrona. Hospital Luís Alcayís-Xátiva (Valencia)3 Matrona. Hospital IMED (Valencia)

Contact email: laura.folgado.2@gmail.com


Objective: to find out the number of women in the Department Xàtiva-Ontinyent who suffer premenstrual dysphoric syndrome (PMDS). Methodology: a cross-sectional descriptive quantitative study was conducted, with a 95% Confidence Interval. The study included 18-to-45-year-old women from the department, attending the Primary Care Centre and the CSSR (Sexual and Reproductive Health Centre) from November, 1st, 2017 to March, 15th, 2018. The inclusion criteria used were: Spanishspeaking women, 18-to-45-year old, not using oral or local (vaginal, cutaneous or intrauterine) contraception, and who agreed to participate in the study after receiving information and giving their oral consent. The data-collection tool used was a basal form created by Dr. Lafaja, an expert in this matter, and modified ad hoc for this study. Results: the most frequent physical symptoms observed were dysmenorrhea, mastalgia and headache; the prevailing psychological symptoms were irritability and crying. It is worth highlighting that PMDS is underdiagnosed; and as a direct consequence of this, not enough or wrongly treated in said department: it had not been diagnosed in 97.8% of the sample, and treated only with analgesic drugs or not treated in 62.2% of cases, where >97% of these had not been prescribed by any professional. Conclusions: the high prevalence of PMDS was confirmed, as well as the need for training to create awareness of this syndrome among health professionals, mostly gynaecologist-obstetricians and midwives, who can conduct an early detection, prevention, and health promotion. This would improve quality of life through a more adequate adjustment of treatment based on the current scientific evidence on this matter.


premenstrual syndrome; premenstrual dysphoric syndrome; treatment

Versión en Español


Prevalencia del síndrome disfórico premenstrual

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