Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

SEPTIEMBRE 2018 N° 2 Volumen 6

Objective: to prevent gestational pregnancy. Exploring diet habits in pregnant women from two Autonomous Communities

Section: Originales

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Díez-Ibarbia A, Moreno-Román E, Herrero-Fernández N. Objetivo: evitar la obesidad gestacional. Explorando los hábitos dietéticos en mujeres gestantes de dos CC.AA. Matronas hoy 2018; 6(3):18-30.


1 Alba Díez-Ibarbia, 2 Estefanía Moreno-Román, 1 Natalia Herrero-Fernández

Contact email: iez_alba@hotmail.com


Introduction: it has been confirmed that both the pregestational body mass index and weight gain during pregnancy are two factors that will increase the risks during pregnancy, delivery and puerperium. Following a balanced diet reduces the risks of having a newborn > 4 kilos, the incidence of respiratory distress, and will lead to a shorter stay in hospital. In Spain, 55% of 18-to-44-year-old women are overweight, and 26.9% suffer obesity, which represents a problem for the Public Health System in terms of the health of pregnant women and those of childbearing age. Objective: to explore the diet habits in pregnant women from the autonomous communities of Cantabria and La Rioja. Specifically, to determine the differences in diet habits followed by pregnant women in both Autonomous Communities. Material and methods: a prospective study with pregnant women living in the Autonomous Communities of Cantabria and La Rioja, from 32 pregnancy weeks onwards, meeting the inclusion criteria, through completion of an ad hoc questionnaire. Results: of these women, 44% had a pregestational body mass index (BMI) higher than normal (44% were overweight and 6% presented 1st degree obesity); 54.45% of pregnant women reported that they exercised before pregnancy, and 64.52% during pregnancy, while 63% followed a varied diet, although only 30% reported following a balanced diet. In Cantabria, 92.97% of women modified their diet during pregnancy, and 44% in La Rioja. During pregnancy, 9 out of 10 pregnant women ate between four and five meals a day, with lunch as their main meal. Even though it was a minority, pregnant women continued smoking. Likewise, it is worth highlighting a higher intake of fruit, pulses and eggs in La Rioja, while more vegetables were eaten in Cantabria. The use of dairy products was similar in both regions. Discussion and conclusions: there are no statistically significant differences between healthy lifestyles followed by pregnant women in Cantabria vs. those in La Rioja. It is necessary to reinforce the importance of maintaining an adequate weight, physical activity and nutrition in all women, but particularly in pregnant women. The midwife is essential to achieve this in maternal preparation.


diet habits; pregnancy; healthy diet; midwife

Versión en Español


Objetivo: evitar la obesidad gestacional. Explorando los hábitos dietéticos en mujeres gestantes de dos CC.AA.

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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