Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

SEPTIEMBRE 2020 N° 2 Volumen 8

Perinatal death mourning: Experiences of the professional midwife when faced with death

Section: Originales

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Castillo Valderrama J, Rey Hermosilla A, Cabello-Hidalgo P, Núñez-Fellay C, Villagrán-Becerra M. Duelo perinatal: experiencias del profesional matrona/matrón ante la muerte. Matronas Hoy 2020; 8(2):37-45.


1 Javiera Castillo-Valderrama, 1 Anastasia Rey-Hermosilla, 1 Paula Cabello-Hidalgo, 1 Camila Núñez-Fellay, 2 Marisa Villagrán-Becerra


1 Matrona. Departamento de Promoción de la Salud de la Mujer y el Recién Nacido. Universidad de Chile. 2  Matrona, Psicóloga. Profesora Asistente. Departamento de Promoción de la Salud la Mujer y el Recién Nacido. Universidad de Chile.

Contact email: mvillagran@uchile.cl


Introduction: “mourning” means grief, referring to the suffering caused by a loss. Mourning due to perinatal death affects parents as well as professionals providing healthcare.
Objectives: to explore the experiences of male and female professional midwives faced with users with reproductive loss, and when providing care for newborns who die during hospitalization.
Method: a qualitative, descriptive research, with phenomenological approach; non-statistical sampling among male and female professional midwives from the Maternity and Neonatal Intensive Care Units of a High-Complexity Hospital. Semi-structured interviews were applied, and there was a narrative content analysis.
Results: four categories came up: a) Experiences: Positive and negative experiences described, highlighting the link with the parents and the deterioration of relationships in the work team, respectively. They identified complex emotions such as sadness, anxiety, frustration and guilt. b) Acquisition of coping skills: During professional training, no personal strategies for mourning are developed, and therefore feelings of failure and lower self-perception of efficacy are generated during their first years of work. c) Coping strategies: There is frequent avoidance of feelings caused by mourning, thus encouraging the development of burn-out-related symptomatology, with significant worsening in quality of life and care provided. d) Requirements: There is a need for specialized training and the creation of protocols for intervention when there is perinatal death mourning.
Conclusions: in the hospital setting, mourning for reproductive loss is not made visible through specific actions, and therefore care is left in the hands of its provider.
Organizative structures are required, to provide care for the families affected and for health providers.


Midwives; mourning; perinatal loss: professional skills

Versión en Español


Duelo perinatal: experiencias del profesional matrona/matrón ante la muerte

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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