Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

DICIEMBRE 2020 N° 3 Volumen 8

Positions of the pregnant woman during the dilation and second stage of labour: a bibliographic review

Section: Revisions

How to quote

Barrio-Forné N, Miguel Martín L, Moreno Lamana V, Martínez Cuñado I. Posiciones de la mujer gestante durante las fases de dilatación y expulsivo: una revisión bibliográfica. Matronas Hoy 2020; 8(3):53-60.


1 Natalia Barrio-Forné, 2 Laura Miguel Martín, 3 Virginia Moreno Lamana, 3 Isabel Martínez Cuñado


1 Matrona. Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. Zaragoza2 Matrona. Hospital de Basurto. Bilbao (Vizcaya)3 Matronas. Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa. Zaragoza

Contact email: nata_barrio@hotmail.com


Positions of the pregnant woman during the dilation and second stage of labour: a bibliographic review Introduction: traditionally, the positions of the mother throughout the labour process have varied, and the most typically adopted by women were vertical. Over time, with the medicalization of labour, new practices, and some social factors, the supine position became established until becoming the most widely used. Objective: to research if any innovations have been described in scientific literature in the past 15 years, regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the different maternal positions adopted both in the dilation period and in the second stage of labour. Methodology: a review of reviews was conducted through these browsers: PubMed, Cochrane, Scopus, and Web of Science. There was a selection of articles published from 2005, and the search was limited by language (Spanish and English). Results: in total, 54 articles were obtained, and 10 of these were selected. The different positions adopted were compared, particularly supine (the most common) vs. vertical. Discussion: the most recent scientific literature still supports that vertical positions reduce the duration of the first and second stages of labour, vs. the supine position. Moreover, these offer additional advantages such as: higher likelihood of eutocic delivery, less pain, lower alteration in CTG, and lower number of episiotomies; but on the other hand, they cause a higher number of second-grade perineal tears. Conclusions: according to the evidence currently available, the vertical position is the most adequate for labour. Midwives, as professionals assisting normal labour, must inform pregnant women about the positions that will enable a better process, and consequently, and preserving their freedom of decision, these women must be allowed the highest freedom of movement possible, so that they can adopt the positions more comfortable for them throughout the labour and birth process.


maternal positions; labour; pregnancy; dilation stage; second stage of labour

Versión en Español


Posiciones de la mujer gestante durante las fases de dilatación y expulsivo: una revisión bibliográfica

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