Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

ABRIL 2021 N° 1 Volumen 9

Postpartum bleeding prevention, active management in the third stage of labor

Section: Revisions

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Serrano Alonso I. Prevención de hemorragias en el postparto, manejo activo del alumbramiento. Matronas Hoy 2021; 8(1):37-44.


Iraia Serrano Alonso


Especialista enfermería obstétrico-ginecológica (matrona)

Contact email: iraia_serrano@yahoo.es


Postpartum bleeding prevention, active management in the third stage of labor   
Introduction: postpartum bleeding (PPB) refers to any vaginal bleeding > 500 ml after a vaginal delivery or > 1,000 ml after a C-section. PPB is an obstetric emergency that requires multidisciplinary management as well as prevention strategies. The risk of bleeding occurs in the third stage of labor. This stage can be actively managed or a watchful waiting attitude can be adopted.
Purpose: to perform a database search on the different measures employed to prevent postpartum bleeding; to compile the available scientific evidence; and to critically present the conclusions.
Methods: a literature search was carried out in Pubmed, Cochrane, Cuiden, and Dialnet databases.
Results: the efficacy of active management of labor versus spontaneous labor, the use of oxytocin in a managed labor, the umbilical cord drainage maneuver; and the use of misoprostol, methylergometrine, carboprost, carbetocin and syntometrine in the active management are analyzed.
Discussion: according to the retrieved literature, active management is superior to spontaneous delivery in the prevention of PPB. The benefit appears to be driven by the administration of uterotonics as a component of active management. The drug of choice for managed labor is oxytocin, which has been shown to reduce the risk of PPB events larger than 500 cc in several clinical trials. However, for severe PPB (> 1,000 cc), no conclusive evidence is available.
Conclusions: fr the prevention of PPB, active management of labor seems to be the most effective strategy. Although there is no consensus among authors and studies on the route, dosage, and appropriate time for the administration of oxytocin, it is concluded that this drug is effective in preventing postpartum bleeding episodes of more than 500 cc. Misoprostol seems to be less effective than oxytocin. Carboprost could be a more effective alternative to oxytocin, but more studies are needed to draw conclusions. Carbetocin could be an alternative in medium-low resource areas where refrigerators are not available.


postpartum bleeding; prevention; active management of laborobstetric-gynecological nursing

Versión en Español


Prevención de hemorragias en el postparto, manejo activo del alumbramiento

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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