Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

SEPTIEMBRE 2021 N° 2 Volumen 9

Relationship between atopic dermatitis in childhood and type of breastfeeding

Section: Originales

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Casado Fernández LM, Pozo Cano MD, Martínez García E, Gázquez López M. Relación entre la dermatitis atópica en la infancia y tipo de lactancia. Matronas Hoy 2021; 9(2):6-14.


1 Leila Mirella Casado Fernández, 2 María Dolores Pozo Cano, 3 Encarnación Martínez García, 4 María Gázquez López


1 Enfermera. Hospital Universitario “Virgen de las Nieves”. Granada.2 Matrona. Doctora. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Granada.3 Matrona. Doctora. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Granada. Hospital de Guadix (Agencia Pública Hospital de Poniente).4 Enfermera. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Granada.

Contact email: pozocano@ugr.es


Introduction: the specific composition of breast milk helps infants to build an initial intestinal microbiota, contributing to the good development of the immune system and thus reducing future allergic conditions. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the prevalence of atopic dermatitis in childhood, associated with genetic and environmental factors, and lifestyle.  
Objectives: to evaluate the association between type of breastfeeding and atopic dermatitis, and to identify the risk factors triggering atopic dermatitis in children.
Methodology: a review of the scientific literature of the past 10 years, in the Pubmed, Cuiden, Cinahl and Academic Google databases; 20 articles were selected.
Results: most articles state that exclusive breastfeeding together with artificial feeding adapted with pre/probiotics helps newborns to reduce their risk of dermatitis. Breastfeeding interruption before the three months of life might have an impact on the development of this condition. The risk factors triggering dermatitis are: family history of atopy, the time of introduction of complementary feeding, the immunological composition of maternal milk, and environmental factors (smoking, excessive cleaning, contamination, and living in urban areas).
Conclusions: exclusive maternal breastfeeding during the first three months of life, and artificial feeding adapted with pre/probiotics, will protect the baby against atopic dermatitis. The ingestion of probiotics by the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding will help the infant to be less susceptible to developing this condition. The most impactful risk factors are genetic and environmental, as well as lifestyle.


maternal breastfeeding; weaning; feeding bottle; atopic dermatitismidwives

Versión en Español


Relación entre la dermatitis atópica en la infancia y tipo de lactancia

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