Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

SEPTIEMBRE 2021 N° 2 Volumen 9

Nausea during pregnancy. Is there a natural solution?

Section: Originales

How to quote

Brunel García I. Náuseas en el embarazo. ¿Es lo natural la solución? Matronas Hoy 2021; 9(2):15-21.


Ignacio Brunel García



Contact email: ignacio.brunel@quironsalud.es


Introduction: nausea and vomiting are some of the most common complications during pregnancy (PNV); in fact, these are physiological symptoms in contrast with the most severe PNV area, which includes hyperemesis. These affect almost 85% of pregnant women, and a major proportion of them suffers at least some nausea, while approximately one third experience vomiting.
Objectives: to review the efficacy results of non-pharmacological elements used against pregnancy-induced vomiting and nausea, and to present a new formulation added to the armamentarium, which is easy to take and includes the two natural elements which have demonstrated higher benefits in the treatment of nausea and vomiting, alongside magnesium, which can provide further benefits.
Materials and methods: a review of relevant literature.
Results and conclusions: the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the use of ginger and Vitamin B6 for these symptoms. There are relevant studies, including RCTs and meta-analysis, which evaluated their efficacy and safety in a population of pregnant women (ginger, B6 and magnesium); and none of them presented safety problems or major adverse effects. In the case of magnesium, as well as an improvement in nausea and vomiting, there seemed to be benefits in other aspects of pregnancy.


nausea; vomiting; pregnancy; non-pharmacological treatment; midwives

Versión en Español


Náuseas en el embarazo. ¿Es lo natural la solución?

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