Insomnia and menopause: therapeutic approach and factors determining insomnia at this stage
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Ortega García MM, Pozo Cano MD, Martínez García E, Martín Salvador A. Insomnio y menopausia: abordaje terapéutico y factores influyentes del insomnio en esta etapa. Matronas Hoy 2021; 9(2):22-30.
1 Marta María Ortega García, 2 Mª Dolores Pozo Cano, 3 Encarnación Martínez García, 4 Adelina Martin Salvador
1 Enfermera. Hospital Vithas, Granda.2 Matrona. Doctora. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Granada.3 Matrona. Doctora. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Granada. Hospital de Guadix (Agencia Pública Hospital de Poniente).4 Enfermera. Doctora. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Granada.
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Introduction: insomnia is a common problem during menopause. If it is not detected and treated adequately, it can cause adverse consequences in women’s lives, both in the individual setting (biopsychosocial) and in the overall population, due to its economic impact. Midwives are nurses specialized in care for women throughout their entire sexual and reproductive cycle, and therefore they are often faced with this symptomatology, which has a negative impact on the quality of life and wellbeing of those women suffering it.
Objectives: to learn about those treatments most helpful to alleviate insomnia during menopause, as well as to identify those factors that might have an impact on the development of insomnia during menopause.
Methodology: a bibliographic review was conducted within the past six years, following the PRISMA strategy in the following databases: PubMed, CINAHL, CUIDEN, Enfermería al Día, Scopus, and Web Of Science; 25 articles were retrieved.
Results: different treatments were found, which might be effective to alleviate insomnia during menopause; cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia and venlafaxine stand out, followed by estradiol, escitalopram, aerobic physical exercise, and yoga. Some of the main factors that can lead to insomnia during menopause are hot flushes, advanced age, and the time of the menopause stage, as well as other psychosocial and demographic factors.
Conclusions: cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia and venlafaxine can be considered as the best treatments for insomnia relief during menopause. Hot flushes, advanced age during menopause, and sociodemographic factors were associated with the development of insomnia during this stage.
menopause; post-menopause; insomnia; sleep disorders; midwives
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Insomnio y menopausia: abordaje terapéutico y factores influyentes del insomnio en esta etapa
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