Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

SEPTIEMBRE 2021 N° 2 Volumen 9

Ankyloglossia. Argument about midwives performing frenotomy. Prohibition or legal void?

Section: Revisions

How to quote

Plata Quintanilla RM, Rodríguez Rozalén MA. Anquiloglosia. Realización de frenotomías por matronas a debate. ¿Prohibición o limbo jurídico? Matronas Hoy 2021; 9(2):39-46.


1 Rosa Mª Plata Quintanilla, 2 Mª Ángeles Rodríguez Rozalén


1 Matrona. Hospital Universitario "Marqués de Valdecilla". Santander.2 Matrona. Presidenta Emérita Asociación Española de Matronas (AEM).

Contact email: plataq@gmail.com


Introduction: the competence of midwives in solving ankyloglossia cases is historical, due to their closeness and knowledge of newborns; and the technique of frenulum removal (frenotomy) is a usual practice, derived of the extended general belief that all breastfeeding problems, as well as those related to feeding and even speech, can be solved through this intervention.
Objective: to find out if there is currently a legal basis in Spain which endorses the performance of frenotomy by midwives.
Material and method: a review of the relevant historical literature and the current framework of legislative competence (enabling) of the Nursing profession in Spain.
Discussion: there is an argument between two concepts: one of training nature: the qualification regarding the technical and scientific knowledge that allows to enable the professional for a safe professional performance; and the other of professional nature, which consists in the labour legislation, or the competences assigned by the State in the relevant matter.


ankyloglossia; frenotomy; lingual frenulum; Maternal breastfeeding; newborn; midwives

Versión en Español


Anquiloglosia. Realización de frenotomías por matronas a debate. ¿Prohibición o limbo jurídico?

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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